Better Eye Worse Eye
(a) Distant vision V-6/6 V-6/9
(b) Near Vision CPI (MLT) Correctable to 6/6
CP-3 (Defective safe) candidate should be able to recognise white signal, red signal, green signal colours correctly as shown by Martin's Lantern at a distance of 15 metres or read the requisite plates or Ishiara Book/Tokyo Medical College Book.
3. Fundus and Media should be healthy and within normal limits.
4. No undue degenerative sign of Vitreous or Chorieretina should be present suggesting Progressive Myoretina.
5. Must possess good binocular vision (fusion Faculty and full field of vision in both eyes).
6. There should be no organic disease likely to cause exacerbations of deterioration.
7. There should be no squint or morbid condition of the eye or the lids which is liable to risk of aggravation or recurrence. 8. There should be no active trachoma or its complications.
8. There should be no active trachoma or its complications.
9. It should be ensured that the cadet has sound teeth for efficient mastication as given below :-
a) A candidate must have a minimum of 14 dental points to be acceptable. In order to assess the dental condition of an individual, points are allotted as under for teeth, in good apposition with corresponding teeth in the other form.
(i) Central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, 1st and 2nd premolar and underdeveloped 3rd molar-1 point each.
(ii) 1st and 2nd molar and fully developed 3rd molar- 2 points each. When all 32 teeth are present, there will be total count of 22 points.
10. The following teeth in good functional apposition must be present in jaw:-
(a) Any four of the six anteriors.
(b) Any six of the ten posteriors.
11. Candidates suffering from severe Pyorrhoea will be rejected. Where the state of Pyorrohea is that in the opinion of the dental officer, it can be cured without extraction of teeth, the candidate may be accepted.
12. There should be no impediment of speech. Hearing will be tested by speech test. Wherever required, audiometric records will also be taken.
(a) Speech Test. The candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear separately at a distance of 610 cms.
(b) Audiometric Record. The candidate should have no loss of hearing in either ear at Frequencies 128 to 4,095 cycles per second (Audiometry reading between 10 and +10 )
13. There should be no impaired hearing, discharge from tympanic membrane, sign of acute or chronic disease of either ear, unhealed perforation of the suppurative otitis media or evidence of redical or mastoid operation. A soundly healed perforation without any impairment of the drum and without impairment of hearing will not be a bar to acceptance of a candidate.
14. There should be no disease of the bones or cartilages of the nose or nasal polypus or disease of the nasopharynx and accessory sinuses. A small asymptomatic traumatic perforation of the nasal septum will not be a cause for rejection.
15. There should be no enlarged glands due to tuberculosis or the disease in the neck and other parts of the body and the thyroid gland should be normal. Scars of operation for the removal of tuberculosis gland will not be a cause for rejection provided there has been no active disease within the preceding five years and the chest is clinically and radiologically clear.
16. There should be no disease of the throat, palate, tonsil or gums or any disease or injury affecting the normal function of either mandibular joints. Simple hypertrophy of the tonsils, if there is no history of attacks of tonsillitis, will not be a cause for rejection.
17. There should be no evidence of weak constitution, imperfect development, serious malformation or obesity.
18. There should be no maldevelopment or impairment of function of the bones of joints and that no cervical rib detectable on physical examination.
19. A candidate with a rudimentary cervical rib detected incidentally only on skiagram of the chest when this is done, and in whom there are no signs or symptoms referable to the cervical rib may be considered fit and a note to this effect is to be recorded by the medical officer in the medical board proceedings.
20. There should be no malformation of the head, deformity from fracture or depression of the bones of the skull.
21. There should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels.
22. There should be no evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or any other chronic disease of the lungs.
23. There should be no evidence of any disease of the digestive system including any abnormality of the liver and spleen.
24. Inguinal hernia (unoperated ) will be a cause for rejection. Candidates who have been operated for hernia may be declared fit provided:-
(a) One year has lapsed since the operation, documentary proof to be furnished by the candidate.
(b) General tone of the abdominal muscular is good. (c) There has been no recurrence of the hernia or complication connected with the operation.
25. There is no hydrocele, or definite varicocele or any other disease or defect of the genital organs. A candidate who has been operated for a hydrocele will be accepted if there are no abnormalities of the cord and testicle and there is no evidence of filariasis. Undescended intra abdominal testicle on one side will not be a bar to acceptance of candidates provided the other testicle is normal and there is no untoward physical or psychological effect due to the undescended testicle. Undescended testis retained in the inguinal canal or at the external abdominal ring is, however, a bar to acceptance unless corrected by operation.
26. There should be no fustupia and fissure of the anus, or evidence of hemorrhoids.
27. There should be no disease of the kidneys. All cases of Glycosuria and Albuminuria will be rejected.
28. There should be no disease of the skin, unless temporary or trivial, scars which by their extent or position cause or are likely to cause disability or marked disfigurement will be a cause for rejection.
29. There should be no active, latent or congenital venereal disease.
30. There should be no history or evidence of mental disease. Candidates suffering from epilepsy, incontinence of urine or ensuresis will not be accepted.
(i) The candidate will be examined bare footed, standing erect and the presence or absence of normal arch of the feet should be noted.
(ii) Candidate will be asked to stand on toes with the feet and heels kept separated and the restoration or otherwise or arch noted.
(iii) Candidate will be made to skip on forefoot and the suppleness and springness of the feet observed. Tarsal joints will be examined for suppleness of movements.
(i) Milder degree of flat foot where the arches of the feet are restored on standing on toes, with supple or painless feet will not be a bar to acceptance.
(ii) Severe degree of flat foot where the arch does not reappear on standing on toes and where the feet are rigid will be a cause for rejection.
(iii) Rigidity of the foot whatever be the shape of the feet will cause rejection.
(i) The candidate will be examined standing erect.
(ii) The knee joints will be kept fully extended with the feet parallel and the patellae facing directly forwards.
(iii) The distance between the medial melleoni will be measured with the medial
(iv) Any associated deformity of the feet or hip or gena recurvatum will be observed for at the same time.
(i) Milder degree of knock knee when the distance between the melleoli is not more than two inches will not be bar to acceptance, provided there is no other associated disability. This will be considered as a minor disability and recorded as such. The candidate should be able to stand to attention with shoes or boots without flexing or overlapping of either knees.
(ii) Marked degree of knock knee with the distance between the melleoli more than two inches will be unfit for acceptance.
(iii) If a candidate is able to stand to attention without flexion of knee irrespective of any inter malleolar measurements, he shall be declared fit.
33. In addition to the above, the parents will be well served to administer vaccinations to their ward for ailments like Jaundice, Chicken Pox etc and institute other preventive measures for their ward so as to avoid being rendered sick/unfit for long durations to continue regular schooling and loosing valuable attendance.
Note:- Remedial operations may be performed prior to entry. No guarantee is however given for ultimate acceptance and it should be clearly understood by the candidates that the decision whether an operation is desirable or necessary is one to be made by their private medical advisor. The school will accept no liability regarding the result of operation and expenses incurred.